First Book Published

December 6th, 2018

It took a bit longer than I expected, but my first book is live in the Amazon store!

San Francisco's Golden Gate Park - West

After taking Mark Dawson's Self Publishing 101 course, listening to a lot of podcasts on writing, and reading a number of other books, I finally have my first book self-published!

I never imagined so many details and effort went into a project like this.

Currently, the e-book is 99¢, which is the cheapest price I could make it on Amazon. The idea is to make this book perma-free and widely distribute it to multiple stores. Then along with the second volume covering the east side of the park, these books will be free 'reader-magnets' (essentially a loss-leader) to encourage people to buy my next books. I'm trying out Amazon's KDP services for 90 days, then after that period, I'll set them free for anyone to enjoy!